Monday 21 December 2015

Call to Arms: The Monsters Rise!

   The first month of my Tyranid Call to Arms project has passed, and there has been much modeling and gaming!

The Monster Swarm Rises!

   My theme for my 1,500 point Tyranid army is monsters. For thirty years 've been painting hordes of small-sized Tyranid creatures, like Genestealers and 'Gaunts, and so this time around I thought I would make an army out of nothing that didn't come on a 40mm base or larger. Classic 'Nid Zilla!

I have finished assembling and undercoating my models for the army. Here they are...

Winged Hive Tyrant
   Leading the monstrous swarm is my Winged Hive Tyrant. I wanted something that could fly, and therefore challenge other enemy fliers. Initially I outfitted him with a Heavy Venom Cannon, but after re-reading the 7th Edition rules I discovered that weapons with a blast template cannot target fliers. So, snap went the cannon, and instead I used some extra bits from my Tyrannofex to simulate a dual set of twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms; very nasty stuff!


   If I was going to make a Tyranid monster list, I just had to take a Tyrannofex. Basically a small Bio-Titan, the Tyrannofex is super hard to kill, and sports a powerful anti-tank weapon. As my friend Scott pointed out, this model is big enough for a marine to stand underneath it and shoot it in the balls!

Trygon Prime

   Another huge-assed addition to my force is the Trygon Prime. Think giant, tunneling Synapse creature... and in this case include a massive Tyranid Artifact bio-cannon. I'm really, really looking forward to Deep Striking with this horror!


   Remember when Carnifexes were the biggest thing in a Tyranid army? Yeah... that decade has long since passed. This is the beastie I whipped up for the Build and Battle event in last month's post. He seems a little scrawny now, compared to his big brothers.

Tyranid Warriors

   It just wouldn't be an Andrew project if I didn't include some truly ancient models in the mix, so here I am pleased to introduce my selection of Tyranid Warriors from the 1990 classic Games Workshop game Advanced Space Crusade! I've spiced these old plastic models up by adding current-range weapons.


   I have old and new models in my monstrous swarm, so I've rounded it out with some mid-range metal Ravenors. These sneaky guys lend Fast Attack support to my Trygon Prime, and they add a third decade of models to my collection. 

  Lastly I have added a Lictor, in this case a metal version of the dreaded Deathleaper. He was a gift from Jay Griffiths, and Deathleaper's Canadian origins make him a must-have for any self-respecting Canadian 'Nid player.

   I've played in two Call to Arms events since the Build and Battle. The first was a scrappy HQ fight. My Hive Tyrant wasn't available for the fight, so I substituted a Tyranid Prime. He fought well, but he was ultimately chopped to pieces... Twice! Here he is about to meet his doom at the hands of a Khorne Champion.

Going down fighting

   The second event was a 300 point Kill Team tournament. I squared off against Ravenwing, Harelquins and even other Tyranids! My all-Genestealer force fought well, but I still lost two games and tied one. My high-point came when my 'stealers managed to kill the Harlequin's leader!

Eating some Space Marine Bikes

Murdering the Boss Murder Clown

The Swarm versus the Swarm

   Now Stage 2 begins... Painting!

   Have a Happy Holidays, and I'll see you all in the New Year!