Wednesday 12 August 2015

Warhammer in The Hammer! Part III

   With both flanks engaged in combat, and legions of troops flooding into the centre of the board, our epic game of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar was well and truly joined! And now Part III of Warhammer in The Hammer

   On the right flank Andrew's Bretonnian Grail Knights dispelled the ghostly swarms, and his Paladin and Lord carved a bloody ruin through the Chaos Knights, but not before those same knights had run down and destroyed the Lord's loyal retinue of Peasant Bowmen. Just when it seemed that Order had won the battle on the right, another group of Chaos Knights swept in from the rear, running down the poor Damsel of the Lady.
The tragic death of The Lady
   In centre-right John's Ogres plowed headlong into Connor's Skinks and Saurus. The Lizardmen fought bravely, and inflicted many casualties, but the Ogres wore them down, (and ate them up!). Soon only the Skinks fortified in the Chapel remained. All was not lost for them, though... the Chapel's special ability means Order units don't need to take Bravery tests. They fight to the finish!
Tastes like chicken!
   In the centre-left dusty old Lord Kroak (looking a lot like Craig) lead his Saurus and Kroxigors into the courtyard of the Watchtower, and were immediately slammed into by a host of Chaos Warrior Knights. Jason's Skeletons in the tower and the Zombies by the fence watched on in amusement as the knights began cleaving their way through the Lizardmen. 
Red armoured death
   On the left flank Bill's Empire Knights charged home against Scott's Dreadspears, and his artillery blasted huge gaps in the Slannesh Cult's line. The Seekers of Slaanesh were overwhelmed and cut down by Empire and Lizardman forces, even as the Dreadlord and his Witch Elves raced to try and join the fight.
The Seekers are found... wanting
   Order looked poised to wrap up the left flank, but again the General of the Dark Army revealed his cunning, and seemingly limitless supply of Chaos forces. From out of the dust of battle a Chaos Warrior Chariot suddenly loomed, and crashed into the Empire artillery!
Where the hell did that come from? Exactly.
   It appears that the forces of Order have underestimated their foes, and will now pay the price. Stay tuned next as we chronicle their final, desperate fight against the hordes of Chaos!
Kill them all!!!
     ...and, as always, thank you for visiting my little corner of the web!

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