Tuesday 1 September 2015

Warhammer in The Hammer! The Finale!

   With Chaos reinforcements flooding both flanks, our epic game of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar looked as if it was at the end for the forces of Order! And now the finale of Warhammer in The Hammer!

   The right flank of Order's line had been pounced upon by Chaos Knights and even more Chaos Knights. With the loss of their Damsel and her spells, it was a harrowing fight for the Bretonnians. The Grail Knights stood strong and drove off many of the enemy.

Run away, you Chaos Ka-nigits!

   Angered at the Bretonnians tenacity the General of the Dark Army Sent the Ogre Tyrant, a unit of Chaos Warriors and even summoned a horde of deamonic Bloodletters to finish them off!

For The Lady!!

   In the centre Big Jays undead forces swarmed into the fight with Craig's Lizardmen. The skeleton Warriors charged out of the Watchtower while the Zombies swarmed the fields.

Fierce battles for the centre

   The Ogres had cut down all the Skinks save one unit of thirty, which held the Chapel along with a Skink Priest. The Ogres surrounded the small building and began shaking and pounding it, swallowing up Skinks whole as they fell from rafters and windows.

Come out come out wherever you are!

   Out on the left flank Bills Empire army had lost its Cannon, and its unit of Knights, but the brave State Troops, along with Saurus Cavalry, had held against the Slaaneshi rush.

Halberds and Handguns

   This success was an omen for the future. On the right the Grail Knights died hard, taking many Chaos Warriors and Bloodletters with them, and still the Lord on his Pegasus remained...

   In the centre the Ogres could not shift the Skinks from their sanctuary, while each turn the Skinks killed a few more Ogres...

   In the centre the hordes of Undead slaughtered many Saurus Warriors, but in turn they lost an unsustainable number of troops...

Can you spot the last surviving Saurus Warrior?

   As the sun set on this titanic battle, (i.e. we reached our 2am cut off time), The butchers bill of casualties was tallied. Of the 207 Order soldiers that had taken the field, 147 had met their end. Of the foul Chaos and Undead, 152 of their starting 176 models had been killed.

   Order had lost 71% casualties, but Chaos had lost 86%! Order was victorious! Chaos had pounded their enemy, but by summoning so many reinforcements they made it possible for the good guys to kill many more models, thus tipping the scale.

   I hope you've enjoyed our epic game of Warhammer in The Hammer. Since this one I've played a dozen more games of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, and have lots more to share!

   ...and thanks again for visiting my little corner of the interwebs!

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