Friday 25 September 2015

Scyla, Druchala, and Stampy the Mammoth

   Deep in the Warnasium, in the dungeons of the Home for Incurable Tyrants, the painting forges have been glowing with the tainted lustre of Chaos.  Ancient relics of an antediluvian age have been dredged up and, with dark rituals of colour, they have been reborn. Their names...  Scyla Anfingrimm and Dechala the Denied One.

Scyla Anfingrimm, Champion of Khorne

Dechala the Denied One, Champion of Slaanesh

   Those ancient gamers among you may recall these models as being part of the range of releases for the Warhammer 5th Edition supplement Champions of Chaos, released by Games Workshop back in 1998.

Champions of Chaos

   Interestingly, Scyla has survived multiple editions of Warhammer since then, and has had no less than two newer versions of himself released over the years. I always liked this first version, though. There's something about the snarling dog-like visage that seems very Khorne-like to me.

   Druchala wasn't as lucky, and never returned as a character in the game.  She did, however, enjoy a brief cameo in the novels of the End Times, so I couldn't resist her snaky charms.

   After finishing these two I packed up my cockatrice, Fort Kickass, and the rest of my Chaos army and headed over to Black Knight Games here in Hamilton for a game against my friend Jay Mason-Grant.  We faced off in a Chaos versus Chaos battle of Age of Sigmar.  Challenging the might of Fort Kickass was Jay's Marauder army, led by the mighty and terrifying Forge World War Mammoth Stampy!

Stampy and company versus Fort Kickass

   To celebrate the festive mood of slaughter, a suitable decoration was found for Fort Kickass... Khorne balloon!

Yup... It's upside-down (Shhhh!)

   The game was, like all my Age of Sigmar games, a fun-filled slaughter-fest.  Stampy wasted no time in charging the fort, trumpeting his warcry and stamping all in his path!


   On the left flank Scyla lived up to his fearsome and bloodthirsty reputation, single handedly devouring an entire unit of Marauder Cavalry over the course of several turns.

Scyla knows only rage

   Stampy raged against the fort, even as hordes of Chaos warriors and beasts fought back against him.  The Chaos Gods themselves rejoiced in our madness, causing the weirdest gravity-defying cocked die I have ever seen!

I swear this is how it landed!

   Druchala was joined by warriors, a dragon, the cockatrice and others in finally bringing the dreaded mammoth down, but not before Stampy lived up to his namesake and stamped my cockatrice into mushy paste!

Stampy stamps hard

   With Stampy's defeat the Marauders were routed, but fun and laughs were had by all. Thanks again to Jay for a great game, and thank you for taking the time to read about our adventures!

See you soon!

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