Saturday 5 September 2015

Your Authority is not Recognized in Fort Kickass!

   Ever have one of those times when you buy a model kit, and it sits in your closet for a decade or more waiting for love and attention?

   This isn't one of those times.
   Last Saturday I attended the Battle of the Scrolls Warhammer: Age of Sigmar event at Black Knight Games in Hamilton. I finally got to throw down with my friend (and store owner) Jay Mason-Grant, in an Empire vs. Empire scrap. I also had the pleasure of being beaten to a pulp by a couple of friendly chaps; namely Davin (and his Skaven) and Mark (and his Lizardmen).
   While at the store I fell under the spell of Games Workshop's newest release, the Chaos Dreadhold. This multi-kit scenery set is the 21st century answer to the old Mighty Fortress, with spikes and skulls! There are ten different configurations of this monster kit, ranging from a single tower to a monstrous fortress running in the $1,400CDN price range! Realizing that my poor Chaos Lord needed a home, I broke down and bought the Overlord Bastion set.
   Now, a mere week later, I present Fort Kickass!

Fort Kickass!
You have no authority here!

   This fort is literally covered with skulls. Skulls on the walls, skulls in the walls, even the floors are paved with skulls! Of course, no self-respecting Chaos Lord would have it any other way.


Skulls in the walls! 

Skulls in the floors!

   Like all good scenery pieces the Overlord Bastion comes with plenty of cool rules, including screaming gargoyle heads that can shatter your opponent's bravery, or rain hot death down upon those foolish enough to get close to the walls.


Fear me!!

   My bastion has already faced one assault. An unholy alliance of Connor's Lizardmen and Scott's Dark Elves swarmed (literally) the ramparts with waves of sneaky Skinks and snakes, not to mention more than a few crazed Elf chicks! In the end my defeat wasn't so much about their strength, as it was about my sorcerer angering the Chaos Gods and being turned into dust on the second turn.

Connor and Scott preparing to challenge my au-tho-ri-tie!

   Fort Kickass stands ready to face the next challenge! If you think you have what it takes, bring your little mans to my Warnasium and lets throw down!

And thanks for visiting the Sinclair Memorial Home for Incurable Tyrants!

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